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GMAW wire for 0.5 % Mo alloyed boiler, plate and tube steels as well as in pressure vessel and
structural steel engineering. Highly-quality, very tough deposit of high cracking resistance, nonageing.
Approved in long-term condition up to +550 °C service temperature, low temperature
toughness to -40 °C. The wire shows good feeding and welding characteristics, resulting in
smooth welding and wetting behaviour. Uniform copper bonding with low total copper content.
Approvals and Certificates
TÜV-D (0021.), DB (42.014.09), ÖBB, TÜV-A (76), SEPROZ, NAKS, CE
Same Alloy Filler Metals
SMAW electrode: FOX DMO Kb SAW combination: EMS 2 Mo/BB 24
GTAW rod: DMO-lG Gas welding rod: DMO
Flux cored wire: DMO Ti-FD
Base Materials
high temperature steels and similar alloyed cast steels, ageing resistant and steels resistant
to caustic cracking
16Mo3, S355J2G3, L320 - L415NB, L320 MB - L415MB, P255G1TH, P235GH, P265GH,
P295GH, P310GH, P255NH, 17MnMoV6-4, 22NiMoCr4-7, 20MnMoNi5-5, 15NiCuMoNb5,
20MnMoNi4-5, GE240-GE300, 22Mo4, S255N - S460N, P255NH-P460NH
ASTM A335 Gr. P1; A161-94 Gr. T1 A A182M Gr. F1; A204M Gr. A, B, C; A250M Gr. T1;
A217 Gr. WC1
Operating Data
shielding gases: ø mm
Argon + 15 - 25 % CO2 0.8
100 % CO2 1.0
Preheating, interpass temperature and post weld heat treatment as required by the base metal.
Mechanical Properties of All-weld Metal
(*) u u1 a
Yield strength Re N/mm2 (MPa): 500 (≥ 470) 470 (≥ 450) 450 (≥ 400)
Tensile strength Rm N/mm2 (MPa): 620 (≥ 550) 590 (≥ 520) 570 (≥ 520)
Elongation A (L0 = 5d0) %: 25 (≥ 322) 23 (≥ 320) 25 (≥ 419)
Impact work ISO-V KV J + 20 °C: 150 (≥ 120) 160 150 (≥ 120)
- 40 °C: (≥ 347) (≥ 347)
(*) u untreated, as-welded - shielding gas Ar + 18 % CO2
u1 untreated, as-welded - shielding gas 100 % CO2
a annealed, 620 °C/1 h/furnace down to 300 °C/air – shielding gas Ar + 18 % CO2
Typical Composition of Solid Wire
C Si Mn Mo
Wt-% 0.1 0.6 1.2 0.5
EN ISO 21952-A:2008: G MoSi
EN ISO 21952-B:2008: G 52M 1M3
AWS A5.28-05: ER70S-A1 (ER80S-G)
AWS A5.28M-05: ER49S-A1 (ER55S-G)
W.No.: 1.5424
GMAW solid wire, low-alloyed,
high temperature
High Temperature and Creep-resistant Filler Metals – GMAW Solid Wire