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Basic alloyed core wire electrode for high temperature steels and steels for hot hydrogen service,
particularly in the petrochemical industry. Preferably used for 9% Cr 1% Mo steels e.g.
X12CrMo9-1 (P9). Approved in long-term condition up to +600 °C service temperature.
The weld metal is heat treatable. Metal recovery approx. 115 %.
Detailed information on welding technology available on request.
Approvals and Certificates
TÜV-D (2183.), TÜV-A (522), VUZ, SEPROZ, CE
Same Alloy Filler Metals
GTAW rod: CM 9-IG
Base Materials
highly high temperature steels, same alloyed
1.7386 X12CrMo9-1, 1.7388 X7CrMo9-1, 1.7389 GX12CrMo10
ASTM A217 Gr. C12; A 234 Gr. WP9; A335 Gr. P9
Operating Data
re-drying if necessary: ø mm L mm amps A
300 - 350 °C, mind. 2 h 2.5 250 70 - 190
electrode identification: 3.2 350 100 - 130
FOX CM 9 Kb 8018-B8 E CrMo9 B 4.0 350 130 - 160
Preheating and interpass temperatures 250-350 °C. Post weld annealing at 710-760°C for at
least 1 hr followed by cooling in furnace down to 300 °C and still air.
Mechanical Properties of All-weld Metal
(*) a v
Yield strength Re N/mm2 (MPa): 610 (≥ 550) 600 (≥ 550)
Tensile strength Rm N/mm2 (MPa): 730 (≥ 690) 730 (≥ 690)
Elongation A (L0=5d0) %: 20 (≥ 319) 25 (≥ 319)
Impact work ISO-V KV J + 20 °C: 70 (≥ 355) 100 (≥ 355)
(*) a annealed, 760 °C/1 h/furnace down to 300 °C/air
v quenched/tempered, 930 °C/10 min/air + 740 °C/2 h/air
Typical Composition of All-weld Metal
C Si Mn Cr Mo
Wt-% 0.08 0.25 0.65 9.0 1.0
EN ISO 3580-A:2008: E CrMo9 B 4 2 H5
EN ISO 3580-B:2008: E6218-9C1M H5
AWS A5.5-06: E8018-B8
AWS A5.5M-06: E5518-B8
SMAW basic electrode, high-alloyed,
high temperature
High Temperature and Creep-resistant Filler Metals – SMAW Covered Electrodes